Doing English Language at A Level, for me, was a huge wake up call!! I realised that there was a huge difference between A Level and GCSE, not just a small difference, a HUGE one.
After discovering this, i realised that i had to make more effort, and revise more even when not asked to. I find that English at A Level is a lot more complex, the amount of definitions that i need to know off by heart, the depth of analysis that needs to be done and also how much i need to elaborate on my writing. I enjoy learning definitions, i find that re-writing them and reading them over and over again helps..ALOT!The thing i find the most challenging is after finding words such as verbs/nouns, i struggle to explain why the words are used and how is affects the sentence/text. I think to myself, i can pull out thousands of verbs/nouns/adjectives, but what do i say about them?? I like writing about the representation and sentence functions, i usually know that to write about them. I find that the best way for me to learn is to take down notes, i know that there usually is a lot of writing, but when it comes to revising, every detail is there in my book infront of me. My chatty personality may have impacted my study, me and my friends, and revising, does not work together. On Saturday and every other Sunday i have a job, which may have reduced the amount of revision that i have done.
That gives me a great insight, Ali and shows that you have considered some important factors. Work on appropriate level of formality for the audience - a blog post doesn't have to be one solid paragraph with lower case Is and non-standard uses like "alot". If I am the audience, what would I want/need to see? The content is very useful :)