Monday, 19 September 2016

The stages of Child Language

Child Language-
Babbling (Under the age of 11 Months) –
  • ·         Babies start to ‘coo’ within 6 to 8 weeks. A coo is to make a sound, similar to a pigeon.
  • ·         2-5 months the babies will recognise the parent smiling
  • ·         Babies start to laugh at 16 weeks
  • ·         6 months onwards babies notice certain words, names.
  • ·         Reduplication happens (repeating all of the word or just some of it)

Holophrastic Stage-
  • ·         Over generalisation (child adding ‘ed’ to words and make them none standard e.g. I rided, I goed.
  • ·         Start learning 10 to 20 new words a month
  • ·         Not very good with conversation, don’t have many conversational skills, normally communicated with single words (They use a lot of nouns)
  • ·         Aren’t able to use questions in their language (what, why) They use rising intonation (voice rises)
  • ·         11-18 months is the one word stage

Two word utterances-
  • ·         18-24months
  • ·         Consonant clusters are avoided
  • ·         Between 18-24 months, unstressed syllables are dropped (e.g. tato instead of potato)
  • ·         When a child is 2 years old they know 200+ words.

Telegraphic stage-

  • Starts at 24 months
  •  Longer utterances, combination of words
  • Good pronunciation, close to adult
  • Will recognise turn taking when speaking. More complex speech. Can use imagination

1 comment:

  1. Some good key points. Please research what the feature are of the post-telegraphic stage so you can tell when a child is moving into that. Cite your sources and always use more than one, with at least one being a reputable source. Thanks.
